Rae Leigh is on a journey around the edges of country music and she’s taking us with her.

I was inspired to write “ Faith In Us” to encourage others to believe in recovery and hope for the future. This single is an uptempo fun empowering raw recording with classic gospel piano with a modern classic country pop vibe. 

The self biography of overcoming trauma as a child and the strength and resilience that has developed after, Rae hopes to inspire hope and courage for anyone struggling with mental health PTSD or depression that things can get better and everyone has the power to choose and that trauma doesn’t have to define one’s future. 

Production of this single was possibly the most ambitious as it included a kid's choir made up of her own three little singers, friends, and from a local music school on the Gold Coast.

‘Faith In Us’ is my view on life and how I approach all the challenges that come my way. Sometimes it can be hard to believe that things will get better but in my experience, humans are inherently compassionate, loving, and kind and when things get hard we work together to benefit everyone in the community.
— Rae Leigh - Songwriter & Artist


Louise from Wheatley Street Productions is a local Logan producer who met Rae Leigh as the local artist showcase show in Logan in 2021. Lousie was on sound and they met and talked about producing together and now we have the results of such a meet. Rae was excited to work with a female producer on this single given its female-empowering message and was excited to see what she could do with it. Collaborating with local music school Tom's Performance Studio with lead teacher Tom Doherty performing on the song with piano and students from his music school singing on the track along with Louise and Rae Leighs own children a choir of children singing in the song takes the message and feels of the song to a whole new level.

Hearing children sing the words “I am who I choose to be” makes me emotional every time I hear it.
— Rae Leigh

Being in the studio was calm and fun and I loved getting to sing in the choir”.
I’m excited to hear my voice in the choir when the song comes out.
I remember the piano and the computers and the microphones. The studio was really cool.
We sang different parts and we had to listen and make sure we sang at the right time.
— Chloe Stranger Age 8
Chloe Stranger & Angela Leigh age 8 Performed on Faith In Us by Rae Leigh

Kids involved in the project include children from Toms Performance Studio in Oxenford, Louise Wheatley (producers) two children, and Rae Leighs three children and friends. Names of all the children involved are; Elijah, Angela & Gabriel Leigh, Chloe, Ruby, Sophia, Isabella, Edgy & Hedgy.

Behind the Scenes Rae Leigh Faith In Us kids song

Charity Partner

‘At The Ark’

“The Ark is here to assist families and individuals dealing with all aspects relating to child sexual abuse, and family and domestic violence.”

Holistically restoring families of abused children and families impacted by domestic and family violence through love and compassion, whilst actively impacting future generations by empowering them with skills for prevention and protection.

A.r.k - Achieving Restoration for Kids

Ark in Latin is 'Arca' and the meaning is box. In Genesis, the Hebrew word for Ark is 'tebah'.  (Which is also found when talking about Moses's basket).

It a appears that the most robust interpretation would not be a descriptive term (like boat) but more of a functional word such as life preserver, restoration of life or rescuer.

At The Ark desires that families that come to ATA will feel that they have been given a little life preservation, which will help the families to see a hope in a situation that may feel hopeless.